
[,sæmə'jed; ,sæmɔi'ed]
  • n. 萨莫耶德人(俄罗斯西伯利亚北部的蒙古人);萨莫耶德犬


Samoyed 萨摩耶人,萨摩耶犬

来自俄罗斯语 samoyed,萨摩耶人,居住在西伯利亚的蒙古族部落,字面意思为吃人的人,同 类相吃的人,来自 samoy-,同样的,同类的,词源同 same,-ed,吃,词源同 edible,eat.这种把外 来人当做野蛮人的观念比较 cannibal,吃人族,来自 Carib,加勒比。后用于指一种当地的犬。


Samoyed (n.)
Siberian Mongolian people, 1580s, from Russian samoyed (11c.), traditionally literally "self-eaters," i.e. "cannibals" (the first element cognate with same, the second with eat), but this might be Russian folk etymology of a native name:
The common Russian etymology of the name Samoyed, meaning "self-eater," deepened the Russians' already exotic image of far-northerners. The most probable linguistic origin of Samoyed, however, is from the Saami -- saam-edne, "land of the people" [Andrei V. Golovnev and Gail Osherenko, "Siberian Survival: The Nenets and Their Story," Cornell University, 1999]
Which would make the name a variant of Suomi "Finn." The native name is Nenets. As the name of a type of dog (once used as a working dog in the Arctic) it is attested from 1889.


1. The Ostyak - Samoyed people speak the Uralic language.
恰奥斯克 -萨莫耶德 人说乌拉尔语.


2. An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.

