
[i:'sɔpiən; i:'sɔpik]
  • adj.
    • (古希腊寓言作家)伊索的;伊索(寓言)式的
    • 隐藏真意(或真正目的、打算)的;掩饰(思想、感情等)的 [亦作 Esopian]


Aesopic (adj.)
1927, in the context of Soviet literary censorship, in reference to writing "obscure or ambiguous, often allegorical, which disguises dissent," from Aesop, the traditional father of the allegorical fable, + -ic. The term (Russian ezopovskii, 1875) arose under the Tsars and the style was used by Russian communists. Once they took power the word was applied by them as a charge against their own dissidents.
