
1、It means that pastoralist societiesoccupy and can influence very large territories.(这意味着游牧社会所占据并能影响的领土面积非常大。)

2、One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies—theyoccupy around 15% of senior positions.(造成这种稀缺的一个原因是挪威公司管理层中女性相当少——她们占据了约15%的高级职位。)

3、Numerous insectsoccupy the marsh, feeding on living or dead cordgrass tissue, and redwing blackbirds, sparrows, rodents, rabbits, and deer feed directly on the cordgrass.(许多昆虫占据着沼泽,以活或死的绳草组织为食,而红翼鸫、麻雀、啮齿动物、兔子和鹿直接以绳草为食。)

4、On the basis of these experiments and of field observations, the so-called law of competitive exclusion was formulated, according to which no two species canoccupy the same niche.(在这些实验和实地观测的基础上,人们制定了所谓的竞争排斥定律,根据该定律,没有两个物种可以占据相同的生态龛。)

5、The repairs needed before we canoccupy the house will be considerable.(那幢房子在我们搬进之前需要大大修整一番。)

6、I had other matters tooccupy me, during the day at least.(我有别的事要做,至少白天要被占用。)

7、Toward, willoccupy to has yellow.(将往,枚占于有黄。)

8、Many men stilloccupy more positions of power than women.(许多男性仍比女性占有更多的权力职位。)

9、The only shoes you canoccupy are your own.(你唯一能选择的是适合你自己的。)

10、Problems at work continued tooccupy his mind for some time.(工作上的问题继续在他的脑海中萦绕了一段时间。)

11、How much memory does the programoccupy?(这个程序占用多少内存?)

12、The physical structure of species competing for resources in the same ecological niche tends to gradually evolve in ways that allow them tooccupy different niches.(争夺同一生态资源的物种趋向于朝着依赖不同资源的方向进化;而相互竞争的物种会逐渐改变他们的活动范围,使其领地不再重叠。)

13、It will notoccupy much space.(它不会占很多地方。)

14、But they alsooccupy different universes.(但是它们也占据了不同的领域。)

15、Even small aircraftoccupy a lot of space.(即便小飞机也占很多空间。)

16、Let'soccupy the orbitals.(让我们占据这些轨道。)

17、As a result, pastoralists, like carnivores in general,occupy a higher position on the food chain.(因此,牧民和广义的食肉动物一样,在食物链中地位更高。)

18、This region continues tooccupy centre stage in world affairs.(这个地区继续在国际舞台上占主导地位。)

19、As global temperatures rise, they would naturally migrate to higher ground — but they alreadyoccupy the mountaintop.(随着全球气温升高,他们自然想搬往高地——但他们已经住在山顶了。)

20、The deserts, which alreadyoccupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace.(沙漠已经占据了大约四分之一的地球表面积,近几十年来还在一直以惊人的速度增加。)

21、The planetsoccupy regular orbits in the space.(行星运行的轨道空间位置是有一定规则的。)

22、I'm sorry tooccupy your time, but I really want to talk with you about the pet problem nowadays.(抱歉占用你的时间了,但我真的很想跟你谈谈现在的宠物问题。)

23、The bed seemed tooccupy most of the room.(床似乎占去了大半个屋子。)

24、But we're unique in that some of our sculptures were actually created for the sites theyoccupy here, and we also show sculptures by a wider range of artists than anywhere else in the country.(但我们的独特之处在于,我们的一些雕塑其实是为其所在地而作,而且我们展示雕塑的艺术家范围比全国其他任何地方的都要广。)

25、With them, she canoccupy all these different roles, and in doing so she has access to certain kinds of knowledge.(通过它们,她可以扮演各种各样的角色,并且这样做她也有机会获得某种知识。)

26、Headphonesoccupy this critical piece of cranial real estate and are highly visible.(耳机占据了这一至关重要的颅骨空间,非常醒目。)

27、She asked us to respect the old campsites thatoccupy nearly every river terrace, as well as the many pictographs.(她要求我们尊重那些占据了几乎每个沿岸阶地的古老扎营地,以及许多象形图画。)

28、If we're honest with ourselves, tech is just another way tooccupy our time and minds.(如果我们不再自欺欺人,科技只是另一种占据我们时间和思想的方式。)

29、I desperately needed something tooccupy me during those long, lonely nights.(在那些漫长而又孤独的夜晚我拼命想找点事做。)