
1、Sue haslong dark hair.(苏留着长长的黑发。)

2、Theirlong struggle ended in failure.(他们的长期努力以失败告终。)

3、I've had along hard day.(我这一天是又长又累。)

4、Howlong have you been married?(你结婚多长时间了?)

5、Thelong skirt restricted her movements.(长裙妨碍了她的行动。)

6、We had along tramp home.(我们是经过长途跋涉回家的。)

7、I don't intend stayinglong.(我不打算长期逗留。)

8、Thelong journey tired him.(漫长的旅程使他疲倦。)

9、Thelong blades clashed together.(长刀相击铿然作响。)

10、Workers toiledlong hours.(工人们长时间辛苦工作。)

11、She haslong fair hair.(她有一头浅色长发。)

12、She'slong past retirement age.(她早已超过了退休年龄。)

13、We shan't be gonelong.(我们不会去很长时间的。)

14、She wears her hairlong.(她梳着长发。)

15、The table is six feetlong.(那张桌子长六英尺。)

16、Howlong is the tunnel?(这隧道有多长?)

17、There was an awkwardlylong silence.(有一段令人尴尬的长时间的沉默。)

18、Doctors often work verylong hours.(医生经常长时间工作。)

19、Have you been waitinglong?(你等了很长时间吗?)

20、Howlong would the roof hold?(这屋顶还能支撑多久?)

21、Sorry I took solong.(对不起,我用了这么长时间。)

22、She usually wearslong skirts.(她通常穿长裙。)

23、These reforms arelong overdue.(这些改革早就该进行了。)

24、He shrieked along, wordless cry.(他发出一串长长的尖叫。)

25、It's about thatlong.(大约有那么长。)

26、The bureaucrats dallied toolong.(官僚们延误了太长时间。)

27、September was along way off.(那时离九月份还有很长一段时间。)

28、Have you been herelong?(你来这里时间长吗?)

29、Howlong is the River Nile?(尼罗河有多长?)