
1、Happiness does notconsist in how many possessions you own.(幸福不在于你拥有多少财产。)

2、The simplest diagram wouldconsist of a single node.(最简单的关系图可以由单个节点组成。)

3、What does brain exerciseconsist of?(那么该怎么来进行大脑训练呢?)

4、A regular breakfast canconsist of soybeans, an egg, a bowl of congee, corn, a sweet potato, meat and two kinds of fruit.(一顿普通的早餐包括大豆、一个鸡蛋,一碗粥、玉米、一颗红薯、肉和两种水果。)

5、Calendarsconsist of time intervals.(日历由时间间隔组成。)

6、These flows of fundsconsist only of identities.(这些资金流只是身份不同。)

7、Itconsist of more than 400 elements.(它包括超过400种元素。)

8、A student's education does not onlyconsist of learning academic subjects.(对学生的教育不仅仅包含学术科目的学习。)

9、What will lifeconsist of on other planets?(在其他的星球上,生命将由何组成?)

10、They alwaysconsist of a single, inlined region.(它们始终有单一的、内联的区域组成。)

11、Messagesconsist of elements that have data types.(信息由一系列拥有数据类型的元素组成。)

12、But they show comprehension toconsist not just of passive assimilation but of active engagement in inference and problem-solving.(但它们表明,理解不仅包括被动的同化,还包括主动参与推理和解决问题。)

13、It canconsist entirely of a single text file.(它可以完全由单个文本文件组成。)

14、The first approach wouldconsist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing.(第一种办法是只通过定价关注公路运输。)

15、Our deeds mustconsist with our words.(我们必须言行一致。)

16、The high density nucleiconsist of the pontine nuclei, inferior olivary complex and so on.(血管密度高的核团包括了脑桥核、下橄榄核簇等等。)

17、And what about artists such as Mondrian, whose paintingsconsist exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines encasing blocks of colour?(还有像蒙德里安这样的艺术家怎么样?他们的画完全是由水平和垂直的线条包围着色块构成的。)

18、True education does notconsist in simply being taught facts.(真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。)

19、Indeed, while you might assume that an exhibition of Land Art wouldconsist only of records of works rather than the works themselves, Long's photograph of his work is the work.(的确,尽管你可能会认为一场大地艺术展览只会包括作品的记录而不是作品本身,但隆的作品的照片就是他的作品。)

20、The division willconsist of two tank companies and one infantry company.(该师将由两个坦克连和一个步兵连组成。)

21、When teamsconsist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations, who have been conditioned to traditional organizational culture, cooperation may not occur naturally.(当阶级组织内经验丰富的员工组成团队时,他们已经习惯于传统的组织文化,合作可能不会自然地发生。)

22、The development willconsist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices.(新建楼区将由66栋住房和一些办公用房组成。)

23、Such self-help networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs,consist of "primary" institutions, those closest to the individual in shaping his or her behavior and beliefs.(这种鼓励和支持少数民族企业家的自助网络包括“初级”机构,即那些在塑造个人行为和信仰方面最接近个人的机构。)

24、So what should a real interviewconsist of?(那么,一场真正的面试包括什么呢?)

25、Numeralsconsist of two types: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals.(数字包括两种类型:基数词和序数词。)

26、Mostconsist of timber frames that rest on stone blocks.(大部分由木框架组成,木框架放置在石块上。)

27、Miscellaneous assets largelyconsist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.(杂项资产主要包括所欠但尚未收到其他银行的付款。)

28、With a conventional mortgage, the paymentsconsist of both capital and interest.(一般的抵押借款,偿还包括本金和利息两部分。)

29、The lungsconsist of millions of tiny air sacs.(肺包含数百万个小肺泡。)